Thursday, 6 February 2014

February 3rd... Koh Tao and Chumphon

After last nights final supper if you like, this morning was our last time together as a whole group. I was up at about 8 this morning eagerly anticipating another super buffet breakfast, and I wasn't disappointed as I soon had a plate piled high of bacon and all the usual extras! Most of the others were still in bed when I had breakfast, so after once again packing my bag due to the fact I was able to completely unpack having my own room, I set off for a hike on the island.

I got into my head that if I go the highest peak on the island I would get an amazing view. I therefore set off along the main road filled with all its little shops and bars, before going down this dirt track which started to go up at a rapid rate. I don't know why, but the higher I got the more humid it seemed to get. I was however getting no views and was instead surrounded by loads of trees. I then came to this sign which said Mango Bay viewpoint left, and cafe right. I headed left, and after 10 minutes or so of ups and downs I could not see myself getting anywhere like a viewpoint, and instead looked like as if I would end up the other end of the island, so I headed back to try the cafe.

I then followed the sign to the cafe, and before long ended up on this winding dirt track gaining altitude very quickly. After continuing up I passed this derelict building which I presume used to be the cafe. I thought I would continue up none the less into the trees, and everytime I thought I had reached the summit a higher peak would appear. I got to the stage in the end where I gave up, but then I saw some rocks with some exposed daylight, and after clambering over the rocks I was presented with the most amazing view! It was of the residential area I was staying on spanning from the pier I arrived on one way to Koh Nangyuan the other. After climbing down I saw this sign which said welcome to the rock climbing centre, so I probably wasn't meant to climb the rocks with my bare hands! There was even this rope ladder on one of the rocks, although I didn't risk climbing as it looked a little precarious!

I then started making my descent down, which was actually rather hard work on my feet after a while. When finally making the bottom by about 12, after having a look in the shops along the way, I went for a quick swim with a few of the others before setting off at half 1 to leave the island back to the mainland. It was here we said goodbye to Lizzie, Alex, Charlotte, Tanja, Juliet and Brett who were staying for various things like alternative transfers, and also some staying to get their diving qualifications. We then had a transfer to the pier where we said goodbye to Ben and Sarah who were going back to Koh Samui.

It was then down to the final 8 of us to board the boat back to the mainland. Before going I had a chicken and bacon sandwich for lunch. After a further wait we finally left the island by 2.45, and it was nice to see the island fade away into the distance. By 4.30 we arrived back at the mainland ready for a transfer by bus to Chumphon, for a night train back to Bangkok at 9.

This enabled us to spend the evening in Chumphon, and our CEO took us to this local restaurant where we were given this dome thing full of fire, surrounded by water. This was a restaurant where they had many samples of meat, fish and vegetables, and you had to cook them yourself. I ended up cooking all this seafood, although I didn't have a clue if any of it was properly cooked or not! It was interesting seeing our dome turn brown and black, whilst the local Thai people had colorful foods cooking away! Luckily they had some foods pre cooked though. After this we went to an ice cream shop which had every flavour you can imagine! I had strawberry cheesecake, chocolate and revolving chocolate with a shot of sprinkles.

After passing through the market on our way back to the station, we were greeted with the news our train was delayed. Apparently there is no such thing as train times in Thailand though! It was interesting seeing the large amounts of dogs here. By 9.30 it finally arrived, and after having a brief meet and greet with these guys from Canterbury next to me, I soon fell straight to sleep. I am always tired at the moment!


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