Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Eastbourne Week 21

The weekend was Joss's weekend at home, so on Saturday morning we went to the market in Lower Hutt before going to a few shops in Petone. Eventually we got home where we had a pretty chilled out afternoon. The following day Joss went out his Dad and one of his friends to the lego wonders of the world exhibition at Te Papa. This gave me a few hours to relax although I did have to mow the lawn and walk the dog too before it got too hot. When Joss got home his friend stayed round to play so we ended up playing farmopoly with a break in the pool in the middle. 

On Monday Joss's friend came round to see him again in the morning which was nice as that doesn't happen very often. We went in the pool again as well as playing a few games. After his friend went home, some people came to modify Joss's high chair as it needed fixing in a couple of places, as well as giving him a new sling for his hoist. They were there for quite a while, so after they went we went back in the pool, although it was really hot outside. Liza bought a load of new inflatables as loads of the others had been bitten by Joss which we tried out.

Tuesday was the last day of the holidays before Joss went back to school, so we went in the pool again in the morning and had a pretty chilled out day around that. In the afternoon Joss had conductive although he had this trial there to fit these new things he has to wear on his legs to help bend his knees. It took quite a while and he refused to walk in the walker with them on which made it hard work but if he cooperates in the future they will do him good. When we got back home we went back into the pool again, before having an early night with school the next day which Joss wasn't too impressed about.

The following day was school which was nice in terms of getting back into some kind of routine. This meant I could take Max out in the morning like I used to and meet all his friends down the beach. Joss was meant to have sailing although it was cancelled due to high winds which meant instead of doing that we took Max out to be washed which as always he disliked. It needed doing though as he was still malting like crazy and washing him helps stop that. Joss went round his Dad's after school which gave me the afternoon off so I just popped into Lower Hutt to pick up a couple of things from the shopping centre and have a read of a few travel books in the library.

I was hoping Thursday would be a relaxing day, although it turned into quite a busy one. With a reasonable kick off time in the Southampton game I listened to that in the morning. After the game we went into Lower Hutt to wash some duvets which was a nightmare as we had to wash them and dry them. To pass time we did the shopping in between, as well as looking round some of the other shops and eventually got back not long before Joss got home from school. The weather was horrendous though as we had the joys of Cyclone Fehi which brought some very strong winds and a lot of rain. One of the trees collapsed in the garden and the sea was in the road so it wasn't very fun.

Friday was my last day with Joss before moving on to new things. Despite this it was still a very busy day with it being housework day. Liza also wanted me to clean the grouting on the floor tiles so I had lots of cleaning to do. I think she was just trying to make the most of me before I left. It was Joss's weekend round his Dad's so he only came home for a couple of hours after school. It was emotional when saying goodbye to him though as he started crying and left in the car in tears. I'll definitely stay in contact though but I know he's going to miss me! His new au pair is apparently French, selected from over 30 people who applied so fingers crossed he will be good. I was apparently solely picked because I was English and I am still the only English person ever to apply!

With my flight out of New Zealand on March 4th, my plan from Eastbourne was to essentially spend the next 4 weeks or so exploring the North Island. My plans are pretty flexible with more potential things to do than I have time for but that gives me to flexibility to do things depending on weather, my luck with hitchhiking, and my fitness which isn't great at the moment as my legs are playing up with cramp. After saying goodbye to Liz I got a lift into Wellington with the next door neighbour Andrew by chance and had dinner and a few beers in town before heading north the following day.

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