Monday, 21 April 2014

April 17th... Kaikoura again

I woke up bright and early this morning, the plan being to do a walk up Mount Fyffe which was a summit in the Kaikoura Ranges at around 1600m high. It was all a little chaotic when my alarm went off however as my phone had disappeared, although I soon traced the alarm sound to the side of my bed. When going outside to check out the conditions however I just took one look and turned around back to the bed. The weather was horrendous.

Waking back up again at around half 8, the rain was still pretty bad which put me in an awkward position as I had revolved my time in Kaikoura around the decent hikes that were on offer. To be honest though all tours were cancelled yesterday, and the case was the same today which meant I was forced to have a lazy in the hostel. I had been looking forward to climbing Mount Fyffe as well, being a summit I would have reached literally from sea level. When I could actually see the mountain ranges it even had traces of snow up top!

After having some kind of lie in I ended up emerging and having a quick shower, before having breakfast which I had luckily purchased yesterday at around 10 in the end. My problem however was the fact I had only bought food up to lunchtime today. One of the highlights of the hostel however was the tv which had a hard drive with 1000s of movies and stuff on, quite literally. With most people asleep I had control of this and I ended up watching family guy whilst eating my breakfast of french stick, crisps and a sugar bun.

After watching a few episodes, I headed back to the room, bearing in mind I had to trek through the pouring rain and muddy grass to get between the two. There really wasn't much to do in the hostel other than relax in bed or watch tv, the only other thing to do being board games. I ended up just relaxing in bed right up until lunchtime, although I wasn't the only one in my dorm as other people were in the same position. I didn't mind having a relaxing day, although I did find it frustrating that I was in New Zealand and all I could do was do nothing all day due to the horrendous weather.

Come the afternoon I headed back to the tv room with the two other people from kiwi experience in the hostel. We stayed at a different hostel because we decided to spend more than one night in Kaikoura. Perhaps the most productive thing I did all day was watch a lord of the rings film, although it was second one as the first one was missing a section on the hard drive. Some of the scenery seemed familiar, although I couldn't pick out any locations I have been to other than perhaps the Tongariro National Park. I had my lunch here as well which was the same as breakfast.

After finishing the film word had got round about the ferry and how there had been cancellations due to the weather today. Luckily one of my fellow kiwi experience rang the office and they said everything would be fine and they were in fact just delayed. It didn't seem promising however with the forecast being worse for tomorrow. It was bad enough when leaving the tv room heading back up the driveway which had a running waterfall due to the wind and rain.

With not much else to do other than lay in bed in my room, it soon became dark and still the rain kept coming down. With just three people including me in my room we joked about how we thought we had left this at home. It later became time however to head out to the supermarket to get dinner, and after getting a supposed a lighter patch of rain I headed out for supplies. It was nice when arriving to get a WiFi connection although whilst in store the lights went out a couple of times. I ended up spending a while here on the WiFi as the rain was pretty bad outside.

After eventually heading back to the hostel I cracked straight on with dinner which this evening was pie and baked beans, with a couple of kit kats for afterwards. I am trying to make the most of the kit kat chunky mint 3 bar while I'm here, smooth, crunchy, gooey! With the rain not easing up all evening I opted to spend my evening in bed, with little else to do. It wasn't long however with the limited options of amusement before I fell asleep ready for my trip back to the north island tomorrow.

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