Tuesday, 7 January 2014

The Hurdles of Travelling...

Ever since the whole idea of travelling came into my head I have been faced with big dilemmas, which have just taken me round in circles. I often try and seek inspiration from people who have been there and done it, people who 'answer' those questions like, "Where do you go?", "What do you bring?", "How long do you go for?", "How much does it cost?", etc. The reality is there is no answers because everyone thinks something different which has made things very difficult for first time travellers like me.

It all started when I realised that if you want to make something happen you shouldn't just put up barriers like money, family, friends, careers and ultimately fear as reasons not to pursue your dreams. Things like not having enough money should not be a reason to not travel. If you really have the desire to go through with it and start saving, and if you really want things to happen then ways will be found to make it happen.

I guess another major issue is the confidence factor. Going travelling is one thing, but being a solo traveller is a completely different story. I am a pretty outgoing person in terms of outdoor pursuits, but when looking at things from social aspect I am not the best person in the world at meeting new people. It is not just about having the confidence to travel however, there are things like having the confidence to commit yourself to something, having the confidence to leave home for the first time, having the confidence to give up a job in this day in age, and once travelling having the confidence to make my own decisions. This experience will be invaluable to me and I will for sure come back a different and ultimately more confident person.

A lot of people have said to me about how envious they are about what I am doing and how they never had the opportunity. My answer to that is that it didn't just drop into my lap, I actually had to make things happen. I will hopefully look back at this experience in years to come and feel that all them hours at Tesco, all them mornings doing my paper round, all them days I looked at the world around me will have made one of the best experiences of my life.

I will leave you with this quote...

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